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Saturday, 10 October 2015

#EdBlogNZ #CENZ15 - Week 2 - My Wondering

Write a blog post about an education question/ challenge/wondering that you have or are facing. You don’t need to have the answer/solution.

This blog post has taken a little while to brew and think on. Today I was privileged to have Lynne Silcock facilitate a joint staff hui here in Whanganui for my schools with Universal Design for Learning as its focus. It sparked my thinking - or rather lit the flame for this blog post.

Eventually I know I am going to be drawn back into the classroom from this dream world of facilitation. After today I am wondering how others teach from the edges. How will I manage to teach from the edges? By this I mean how do I change the way I work so those on the edges - the students who are outside of 'average' in whatever form that takes (special needs, gifted, etc) - are my first consideration as I plan? I need to be thinking about the the representation of the work to be completed, how I am going to ensure everyone is engaged and that the ways the students can demonstrate their learning are varied and student chosen.

No, I do not have the answer for this one - and I do not expect others to be able to answer this in it's entirety. I would be interested in hearing what you have implemented in your steps toward a UDL approach, particularly with intermediate students.

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